Besuch von Lehrern in Finnland

 Kollegen  zu Besuch in FinnlandIm Rahmen des Erasmus+-Projektes der EU besuchten die Kolleginnen und Kollegen unserer Schule vom 2. bis zum 5. April 2024 Finnland. Während ihres Aufenthaltes erkundeten sie die Stadt Turku, besuchten drei Schulen in und um den Ort Mynämäki und erfuhren mehr über die Arbeit des Goethe-Instituts in Helsinki. Ziel der Reise war es nicht nur Land und Leute kennenzulernen, sondern auch die Arbeitsweisen der finnischen Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Außerdem fand ein reger Austausch über die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der Schulsysteme statt.

Wir sagen ‚Kiitos‘ und freuen uns, die Organisatoren aus Finnland hoffentlich bald auch an unserer Schule begrüßen zu dürfen.

Erasmus+project 2024 Dublin/Ireland

I learned the differences between the German and Irish economy and learned how different the type of working situations in the countries are. I learned a lot about my job and the difference to the Irish jobs and qualifications for jobs.  

Moritz Mahnhardt (Kaufmann für Büromanagement)



I was able to participate in the Kaufmann International Certificate Course at the ATC Language School. There I learned about International Trade Theory, Project work and many other things. We also were able to take part in company visits e.g. the Guinness Storehouse, Butlers Chocolate Factory and Tillings Whiskey Distillery. On the weekends we travelled all over Ireland. We went to the Giants Causeway, the Titanic Museum in Belfast and to Bray.  I would just like to state that I am incredibly grateful that I was able to be part of the Erasmus+ mobility project. It was such a great time in which I feel like I experienced a lot of personal growth.

The only thing I would probably say needs improvement is the fact that I felt that the hosting organisation, meaning the ATC language school, need a good structure and organisation. The concept of the course itself was great and personally I felt like it could have included even more relevant content for me, but it was not taught in a compelling way. For me most of the sessions felt rushed and the teacher seemed to be in over her head most of the time. Therefore, I would recommend that the hosting organisation should help their staff to understand what the course is about and how to teach the relevant contents in an appropriate way. I would have liked to improve more on my writing since I am fluent in speaking English, but my spelling is often a problem for me. Therefore, I would have liked to write more reports and go into greater depth with the written assignments I had to do. 

Lasse Potschwadek (Bankkaufmann)




The SWAN Institute in Dublin organized our trip. Important information has been given at short notice. It could have been at least a few days more in advance. I very much improved my English-speaking skills, as it is more fluent now. Some Irish people didn't even recognize I was from Germany. The fear of speaking another language than the own mother language is gone. I learned about Ireland and its people. Their history. How they think about England and why. I learned a few words in Gaelic - Irish language. My English vocabulary has grown by so many words like when someone is crossed eye or what it means to have a sniffle.

Annmarie Rose (Verwaltungsfachangestellte)




I made the KIC program, which included the writing tasks (E-mail, CV, cover letter), practical tasks (visiting some companies, creating a logo, making a pitch) and speaking tasks (negotiations, interviews, group work), as well as some theory about marketing and trading international. I was on some trips to the west and north coast of the Land, visit museums in Belfast and Dublin, made two city tours with my colleagues.

What did you learn as a result of participating in your mobility activity?

 - speaking more freely and confident in English - new vocabulary - likewise some grammar - doing a negotiation in English - much about the nature and culture of Irland

Bianca Friedack (Industriekauffrau)



Our participants 2024:


Natalia Drozdowska, Moritz Graf zu Lynar, Lucy Jensch, Phillip Jurk, Pia Kanig, Jette Kassner, Carolin Krüger, Nico Dreger, Amely Perrasch, Annmarie Rose, Celina Urban, Lili Wikuk

ATC Language School (Kaufmann/frau International):

Jakob Briet, Jessie Dahme, Bianca Friedack, Jessica Hentschel, Florian Jähne, Rochus Koinzer,

Wolfram Lehmann, Laura Pehla, Lasse Potschwadek, Jeremy Schulze, Eileen Dillan,

Moritz Mahnhardt


Projektleitung und -begleitung: Ines Otte und Gabriele Kornisch

Projektbegleitung: Diogo Carvalho Calado

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